The Friend-Zone Exit Strategy for Love and Dating

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You know how when you’re 18 years old you and you have a best friend of alternate gender and you both decide that if you’re 25 and single that you two will forge that friendship into a bond of eternity complete with rings and pomp and circumstantial ceremony?

And then you realize by the time you reach 24 that being married at age 25 is (for a lot of us) completely out of the picture so you two push that promise to one another to age 30? Do you remember those days?

But then life hits and you start dating and significant relationships come and go with success and failure depending on your vantage point. But amidst all of that dating, the two of you keep in touch and talk every Sunday and text and email eachother like rabbits and refer to one another as best friends. You both even go so far as to ensure that anybody you date knows and meets this individual because you will not go through life without that person around.

Yeah, you have that friend – the plan B.

What is the plan B? Glad you asked.

The plan B is the person that you can rely on to potentially move towards eternity with when all else fails. This is the person that you know is a good person and would be a great partner. This is the person that everybody asks about and wonders why you two never got together. And you know what, you’ve thought about it too. You’ve asked yourself this very question and then continued vacuuming and forgot about it until the next time a relationship didn’t work and you called that person to remind you that you were a great person at the end of it all.

The plan B.

I’m not sure if everybody has one, but I do feel like nearly all women have one. Given the man shortage and the fact that apparently all men have brothel level heathenistic hedonists falling out of our mailboxes, I’d presume that menfolks don’t ponder such a thing as much. But there are definitely men with plan B’s as well. I feel like most women have that guy that they know will always be there because, well, he always has. Even when he’s had a girlfriend he’s been there and made it very clear that you are important enough to make a priority. Shoot, I can’t tell you how many women I know that have told me that we’d have a age 28 agreement, then an age 30 agreement, an age 35 agreement.

Of course, I disagree vehemently.

I’m nobody’s plan B. My name is my name.

But how do you know if you’re somebody’s plan B? Well, one surefire sign is that they are the ultimate hater whenever you end up in a relationship. Or are extremely happy when you get out of a relationship. Or they decide to let you know all of their feelings…AFTER you enter a relationship, get engaged, or step up to the altar on your wedding day.

The plan B. So here’s my question – how many of you have a Plan B? Does that person know? Does that person ever get in the way of your current relationships? And if they are indeed a plan B…why DIDN’T it ever work out or why didn’t you ever try to make it work?

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